Data protection, data processing and consent to participate
Acting in full compliance with EU competition law, and within its limits, we will keep any company-specific information (raw data) collected strictly confidential and under no circumstances will we disclose individualised company-level information. Only aggregated survey outcomes will be published in the data dashboard and analysis reports.
The project leader, the Austrian National Public Health Institute (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / GÖG), is responsible for overall project management as well as the concept and analysis of the survey, Areté is providing support with consultation activities (implementation in EUSurvey tool, distributing surveys, data collection and pseudonymisation), while the third project partner (Civic Consulting) has no access to data.
This survey is run via the online tool EUSurvey. The raw data entered in the survey are stored on the servers of the European Commission’s Data Centre pursuant to the Commission Decision (EU, Euratom) 2017/46 of 10 January 2017 on the security of communication and information systems in the European Commission. More information is available at:
Once the survey has closed, the raw data will be downloaded by a member of the project team bound by a duty obligation of confidentiality. In a second step, pseudonymisation will take place: identification and contact information (as provided in Questions 1a, 1b and 1c) will be deleted from the data file and replaced by an anonymous id code. A separate decoding document will be generated; only selected members of the project team will have access to the document for validation purposes. The decoding document will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and will not be shared, under any circumstances, with non-authorised personnel or with entities outside the study team.
The elaboration of survey replies will be based on the pseudonymised data file only.
The decoding document will be used to perform preliminary data validation activities (e.g., to check for double submissions). In the case of suspected double submissions, the project team will contact the company concerned for consultation. In the case of confirmed double submissions, the data entry concerned will be deleted after informing the company about the deletion.
During the elaboration of survey replies, ongoing validation of the pseudonymised data will take place to detect potential inconsistencies within the replies. Only in the case of severe concerns about a data entry will the survey reply concerned be decoded by an authorised member of the project team after, consulting the company concerned.
For the processing and subsequent publication, the data will be entered in aggregated form in the dashboard tool (using MS PowerBI). Before publication in the dashboard, the aggregated survey results are subject to review by DG SANTE and the MDCG TF on NB capacity monitoring. It is guaranteed that it will not be possible to trace back of individual companies in the aggregated data.
With the submission of your data/information you agree to these terms. We follow the EC privacy statement: